Why instructional design is so critical for effective e-learning classes

E-learning has completely evolved over recent years in order to address the limitations of face-to-face learning. One way that course creators have changed their approach is by switching to game authoring tools, which allow them to create their own e-learning content at will. By doing so, admin can make sure students have everything they need to complete their training and get the most out of it.

Let’s look at how instructional design fits into the e-learning process:

What is instructional design?

It’s a process by which course designers plan out the structure and flow of their online courses, ensuring that all steps and parts are included, so that their educational goals are met. 

By implementing instructional design techniques, you can:

  1. Develop a comprehensive planning process.
  2. Determine which design helps students learn most effectively.
  3. Identify any failures in the learning process.

As of now, instructional designers have multiple models to base their courses off of, as well as a number of game authoring tools that help facilitate the process.

Why is instructional design important?

Unlike with face-to-face learning, which gives teachers the freedom to go off-script, in online learning, the whole process is pre-set, so designers need to anticipate any possible hiccups during the planning stages. Structuring, content, and results are of greater importance in e-learning.

Instructional design makes creating the course easier but also ensures that all the learning goals are met. For instructional designers, the benefits of the process are felt in the production phase while, for students, they’re felt when the class is launched.

Additionally, good instructional design allows you to:

1. Move preexisting content online

Learning has been a part of our lives for thousands of years, but much of the content we learn is designed to be taught face-to-face. 

So when e-learning first started gaining prevalence, one of the main challenges was that, since much of it was based on reading and texts, it was hard to keep students engaged and participating in the lessons. With all that technology allows us to do today, the first step is to choose an authoring tool that works for you. Then you can start adapting the content you used in your face-to-face training to work online.

2. Share information and generate interest

Being able to communicate effectively requires practice and planning, especially in e-learning. If you’re able to wrap up the knowledge students need in a compelling story, students will be more interested in the material and will be more receptive to the training and message. 

Dedicate time to the story’s script, and don’t stop tweaking it until the messages you’re communicating meet the objectives you’ve set out.

3. Encourage participation

It’s absolutely key that instructional designers research and understand their audience and how they learn best. Not all students are the same, so online courses must be able to cater to their various needs.

E-learning doesn’t give the teacher the freedom to go off script or tailor the material to their audience, so doing some research will go a long way. The online course must keep students participating with an engaging learning experience that utilizes visual elements, compelling content, and comprehensive evaluation systems. 

Remember, if you adapt to the needs of the students, the results will come.

4. Ensure student retain what they learn

By utilizing fun, engaging elements such as video games, good instructional design not only gives students the material they need but also helps them retain it in the long run. Using multimedia at the right times lets students establish mental connections between the information and the actions it results in, which helps them better remember it.

5. Motivate students

If an online course is well-designed, students will be excited to be a part of it and will always find a way to make time for it. 

Good instructional design should answer the question: How do I keep students motivated and wanting to learn more on the subject? Each e-learning course is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula you can apply to all classes. But, one thing is certain, be sure to design your courses with the target audience in mind.

In conclusion, instructional design brings all the parts and pieces of successful e-training (lessons, multimedia, etc.) together so you can oversee them in one place. This is undoubtedly the best way to maximize the benefits of online training in relation to face-to-face class sessions. Put it to the test!