Ethical leaders as driving force for efficiency in business

The communication, commitment and loyalty of employees towards their organization are three values ??coveted by any leader heading a team. Not every company can boast about having employees with those qualities, and yet they are key factors in achieving that desired efficiency in business.

Odd as it may seem, the way to engage employees and get them to acquire those values of ??loyalty and commitment to the company is not to add zeros to their salary or to heavily invest money: what promotes true commitment in a team is the humanity of their leaders.

What is a human leader?

We’ve already told you about some of the essential qualities characteristic of a good leader. The secret to a strong and honest leadership is increasingly moving away from the idea of ??getting results no matter what, overlooking human relations among members of an organization. Actually, establishing a positive and close relationship with people does affect efficiency of business, as that generates well-being and encourages a sense of commitment in the worker.

The best way to improve performance is to establish a relationship of empathy with the employees that good leaders know must be around them. It’s not about faking a close relationship, but recognizing that the achievements and ideas of a company depend on the whole team, not just on the boss leading it.

Success belongs to everyone, that’s why a leader must strive to make their employees feel valued within the company and, at the same time, stand up for them when things go wrong.

Communication is another key factor regarding efficiency in business. Good managers are able to talk with their teams and get interested in their worries and concerns. Leadership also means being accessible when you are needed: this closeness creates unity among members of the company because they feel that the organization believes they are its greatest asset.

When leaders speak, they must be aware of the words they use: a speech can calm people down and motivate a team but, likewise, it can irritate the staff or cause the sense of commitment to drop. One of the keys to successful leadership is to turn that kindness into a sign of strength, not weakness: leaders practice consideration towards others and that is perceived by employees positively, which will affect their performance.

How to encourage a “human” leadership?

In a highly competitive world like ours, it is frequent to perceive fatigue or disillusionment among employees, which negatively influences work commitment and productivity. Companies can’t afford to keep people with no enthusiasm in their job: they need to raise commitment levels. In Gamelearn they are already working on the development of Pacific, the serious game in leadership, to learn the keys every good leader must take into account. Here are some tips to achieve that “human” leadership:

  • Worry about the welfare of your team

Work to achieve a good working environment. Start by taking decisions favoring a positive and healthy environment. The efficiency in business depends quite a lot on the physical and mental wellbeing of employees.

The instructions you give to your employees should be clear and straightforward so that the actions of employees will be aimed at the correct targets. Knowing how to communicate transparently and how to set timings is essential to progress in the right direction.

  • Delegate and be flexible

Encourage teamwork by delegating tasks and show your sense of responsibility by being flexible with your team, knowing that sometimes you can be wrong and therefore must be prepared to rectify your own decisions.

What does your company do to be efficient and to encourage unity among its workers? What “human” aspects would you highlight about your bosses?