Business Leadership: 5 Tips From Great CEOs That Will Help You Develop As a Leader

A successful business leadership needs an innovative way of working which will help us lead our organization and take it to the top. We have borrowed some tips from internationally recognized leaders who have made a difference in their teams. Find out about them:

1. Write down your ideas

Imagine that, during a conversation, a couple of brilliant ideas come up but you forget about them soon afterwards. If you had made a note, you would not have to spend time and effort on remembering. Do as the CEO of Nike, Mark Parker, and always carry a notebook with you, or develop your own system where to note ideas or intentions that can help your business leadership in the near future.

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2. Move

Something as simple as to keep moving can favor the generation of new ideas. It is not just physical movement, but also to have curiosity, to travel or to do some sport. A good walk can help us find inspiration; it is what happens to the founder of Virgin Group, Richard Branston. Do not stop moving and work on your business leadership before getting dressed every day!

3. Attract some attention

Business leadership is so competitive in today’s companies that sometimes you will have to implement shocking ideas, as the one thought up by the CEO of Ryanair, Michael O’Leary, who disguised himself as the Pope when he presented a new route to Rome in his company. Think about what would provide a good headline for your organization and do it! You will catch the attention of your team and your sector.

4. Meditate

Who has never needed to take a break and catch some breath to recharge one’s batteries? That is precisely what is proposed by Arianna Huffington, co-founder of the Huffington Post. Her approach is innovative and yet simple at the same time: your business leadership will be reinforced whenever you save some time to rest, eat something healthy or meditate. Log off for a few minutes to improve your productivity. Your efficiency and your organization will thank you for it.

5. Read

Few tricks are as simple as the one proposed by the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, to achieve business leadership in your company: read. Just save some time for studying and reflecting, the trick is to do it in a group in order to promote collaboration.

What tricks do you have to improve your business leadership?