Your time isn’t worth anything

That’s what the following behaviors communicate:

  1. Saying yes to everything. If we say “yes” to everything people ask of us, we hold up our priorities in response to anything that crosses out path. Saying “no” is a skill successful people use to achieve their goals.
  2. Letting people interrupt you. We set aside anything at the first interruption. Telephone calls, e-mails, or the people who continually slow us down. Put a stop to interruptions: close the door, unplug the phone, close your e-mail and preserve some period of calm during your workday.
  3. Always being available. If we always answer the phone or e-mail immediately, people get used to this type of behavior. There’s no reason to always be available: we need to attend only to the people and tasks that fit our priorities. The telephone exists to make our lives easier, not to make us slaves.
  4. Letting meetings drag on. If we allow appointments or meetings to go on forever, they can take up our entire day. Use apps like Brilliant Meeting to make meetings end on time.
  5. Accepting lateness. If you consider it acceptable for people to be 10 minutes late systematically, this will end up becoming the rule. Oblige yourself and others to be on time. If other people arrive late, reschedule the appointment for a time that’s convenient for you.

Value your time and make sure you’re not sending the message that your time isn’t important to you. If you’d like to give us some of your time and leave a comment, you can do so here.