Work Motivation: 7 Steps To Make Your Team Assume Responsibilities

Getting our team to assume responsibilities is the secret to work motivation and a solid foundation for effective team and people management. These are the steps to achieving that and implementing it in your organization:

1. Start with yourself

If we want our team to have enough work motivation to assume responsibilities, we need to start with ourselves and show our leadership by example. Think about that which you have been postponing in the hope that someone else would do it, and do it yourself. This is the first step to build charismatic leadership.

2. Show them the way

A leader is a guide. By asking our team members what resources they need and how they plan to achieve things, we can find out what really motivates them. Our role as leaders will be to develop their skills and abilities. Once they feel motivated, they will begin to assume responsibilities.

3. Think Big

People management has a lot to do with motivation. We must explain the long-term company’s goals and learn to communicate our global vision. That is the only way we can pass our enthusiasm on and succeed. Part of the leader’s role is to ensure personal and professional improvement.

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4. Agree on objectives

Do not just communicate the goals. Agree with your employees on what it is that you want to achieve in the medium and long term. It is not enough to assign each department specific goals, but there will have to be some consensus. It is important to consider the point of view of those who are going to be demanded to reach certain goals. Goals should be challenging but realistic and achievable, otherwise they will only discourage our team.

5. Demand commitment

To make our team assume responsibilities, me must track their progress, ask them when they will deliver the work, how long they will spend on that task, how they plan to complete it, etc. By practicing people management and asking our co-workers for these updates, we will have an influence on them, so that we will favor self-commitment among the group and eventually the improvement of their work motivation.

6. Offer plenty of feedback

As leaders, we must be willing to offer feedback constantly, explaining to our team what they do well and what they do wrong (in this case, assertively and only after having carefully examined the causes). We will be motivating people to improve their performance. Only if they are worried about letting the team and their respected leader down, they will assume their responsibilities.

When your team assumes no responsibilities…

• There is no commitment
• There is a lack of confidence
• Postponed tasks keep growing in number
• Deadlines are not met
• Objectives are not achieved
• Performance lowers
• Frustration drastically increases
• Stress grows among the team
• A bad atmosphere is generated
• Excuses are everywhere

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What is the source of your work motivation?