What does leadership mean to you? Some great definitions from our followers

Every business needs wise leaders, that’s why “leadership” is one of the most searched words online, and our blog is not an exception. Our followers are often more concise and straight forward than us when it comes to describing important concepts for their professional activity. We would like to highlight some of their leadership definitions as they are revealing what most people expect from a leader.

Leaders delegate and provide autonomy

“We think of a type of leadership that creates or allows building and develop committed and autonomous teams”, José Vicente Navarro.

“Leadership means going at the front and lead people to achieve common goals”, Mikail Babatunde.

“I believe that leadership is the ability to thrill, excite and motivate towards achievements. You have to be very clear on setting goals, and how to communicate them”, Scherezade.

Leaders give confidence

“Leadership is the ability to bring peace”, Somila.

“The leader is the psychologist who guides the work by helping his/her team, in an organized and strategic way”, Pablo Ismael Canche Angulo.

“It is completely impossible to imagine effective teamwork without trust and support among its members. A very important requirement for a leader is the ability to gain trust”, Sourav Basak.

Leaders are aware of their responsibility

“Leadership is not a privilege, but a responsibility to be assumed”, Frantz Tanis.

“You don’t have to be a manager to be a leader. Actually, very few managers are good leaders. And leaders can be found across all forms of pursuits from recreational and community through to academia and corporate”, Ron Smate.

“Leadership is an attitude. You have to be as precise as possible to achieve objectives such as solving a problem or developing a team”, (Jean Patrick Randria).

“Being a leader is a work that is earned by example, with dedication and discipline”, Jonathan Hernández.

This is only a selection of some insights about leadership our followers and clients have shared with us about. Undoubtedly, it illustrates the amazing complexity and polyhedric nature of this core soft skill. What would be your definition?