Ways of staying active on vacation!

Vacation can radically alter your life-style: we don’t have to wake up early, we stop worrying about meal times, we feel relaxed… We are even free to stay awake overnight if we wish to. It’s time to be flexible and put aside preoccupations. However, we are creatures of habit and we  don’t always feel comfortable about big changes. Some people speak of “pre vacation blues“.

The excitement of having some free weeks from work can turn into frustration if we are not able to manage what to do with them. The word “vacation” does not automatically mean sedentary life or wasted time. The key is to mantain a minimum activity routine, an order that keeps us from falling into anarchy and makes easier returning to work.

The beginning of our vacation is the perfect time to order your office at home. Get rid of all your useless documents, file the old ones, delete everything you are not going to need. Now that you have some spare time, you can check your folders, turn everything inside out and upside down and spring-clean. A tidy desk would be a great starting point for the upcoming season.

During those vacation days you’re spending in your city don’t let your home “eat” you. Go for a walk, do some exercise, meet  friends, visit places you haven’t visited yet… Enjoy the time at home: learn how to cook a new meal with the calm that spare time brings to you, enjoy watching those films and reading the books piled up after months of unceasing work.

Take advantage to do an online training course that allows you to organise your time in your own way. Soft skills like communication or time management are seldom taught in companies, they are considered to be skills you already know.  However, they are the most highly valued by employers. Vacation could be the perfect time to develop them in an entertaining way. Have you ever heard about Serious Games?

What is your daily routine during vacation? How do you avoid falling into inactivity? Which activities are you not able to practise throughout the year so you take them up during vacation?