“This is how a serious game improved my productivity and time management.”

From the moment the day begins, Xavier López Peig is overwhelmed with an endless list of tasks, meetings, emails, requests, phone calls, WhatsApp messages, and presentations. He works as National Director of Consumer Business at CaixaBank Consumer Finance, a company that collaborates with more than 11,000 businesses and has financed the purchases and projects of more than 5 million people. As such, he has a demanding workload that requires the highest level of productivity and time management. To face this daily challenge, his company invited him to play the serious game Triskelion, which has helped him develop an effective system for task management, productivity, and work-life balance.

“Triskelion has helped me be a more efficient and productive professional”, says Xavier from his Barcelona office. “It has benefitted my whole team because, if I am able to properly manage my agenda, I indirectly make my coworkers’agendas more productive,” he explains as he enters his team’s weekly meeting.

In his daily life, Triskelion has been highly useful for his task planning and management. This serious game, which takes students on a challenging and suspenseful adventure halfway around the world, places special emphasis on prioritizing the most important tasks, delegating intelligently, learning to say “no”, and many other techniques that help employees manage their working lives more efficiently. Xavier “Triskelion helped me prioritize and to not start tackling a new task until I’ve finished the previous one. Better to have few tasks that are complete than many that are half done.”

These kinds of gamified training initiatives, which motivate and engage employees with high-quality content, are becoming more and more widespread among companies across the globe. In the case of CaixaBank Consumer Finance, implementing a serious game like Triskelion has allowed it to increase employee productivity throughout the organization. Xavier not only did the training on his own but he also encouraged all his coworkers to complete this serious game and follow its principles.

“The advantage of using video games for training is the autonomy that comes from being able to go through it whenever you want. Moreover, the fact that it’s a course that is meant to be completed over several weeks allows you to internalize the content,” explains Xavier in relation to its effectiveness in changing habits. For this professional, another of Triskelion’s virtues is its ability to involve employees in the video game, make them participate in the adventure, and simulate the daily life of any employee in such a realistic way.

You may find this interesting: Triskelion serious game for time management and productivity

After completing the Triskelion course, Xavier also managed to improve his work-life balance. By being more efficient during working hours, he has been able to free up more time to spend with his family, take his three children to school in the morning, play sports, and take better care of his health. “Just like in Triskelion, I can now also devote time to my health, medical check-ups, sports, and spending time with my family and friends.”