The importance of delegation skills in your business (II)

How does one delegate properly?

We’ve already shared some good reasons why you should learn to delegate. So, now, how do you do it properly? Success in delegating is not measured by how many times we do it; it’s not just a question of transferring tasks to co-workers. Take note and learn the importance of delegation in your business:

Analyze your needs

Find out where your time goes and what things you can delegate to other people. You’ll discover what you can hand off to other people or even eliminate from your business. Study your priorities and ask yourself a few questions: Does this task need to be done right now? Can someone else take care of it?

Explore your options

You should leave the task you delegate in the hands of the best person for the job. You will have decided who this person is after listening and observing; it’s not enough to just delegate things to the person with the most time on their hands (or the least expensive one), but rather that you have to choose people with the right knowledge to do the job and sufficient motivation to do it well.

Document and set up the procedure

Before delegating, you should document the knowledge and procedures that make your business work like a well-oiled machine. Having clear, complete and accessible documentation is essential for delegating effectively, and it lets other members of your team pick up where you left off. Establish a deadline for having the task done and a system for following up to check progress.

Develop an action plan, use technology

You should be thinking about how to assign, control and manage the delegated work. There are effective applications and programs for delegating tasks. If you have a team that’s spread out geographically, that’s even more reason you need technology that makes it as if you were all in the same room and facilitates information exchange and collaboration between departments. Use applications like Brilliant Meeting in your task planning meetings.

Communicate well and a lot

Communication has to be especially clear, concise and consistent. Each member of the team must have access to the same information. To ensure that the work is done properly, give clear instructions. You can take a minute to remember how it felt when you were learning.

Cultivate trust

Trusting others is one of the most important aspects of delegation. Trust has to be a two-way street: the members of the team have to trust their boss and the information they use to do the work, and the boss has to trust his or her team and promise them support. Once the task is delegated, offer your trust and let them do the work their own way.

We know the importance of delegation in our business, but you… What tasks do you typically delegate? What tools do use to do this? Let us know!