The ever-increasing importance of digital security in business

With the business world becoming increasingly digitized every day, employees and businesses are finding themselves more and more exposed to the dangers lurking in the online world. This year, internet use has increased by 7%, bringing us to a total of 59% of the global population online.

As a result of this growth, cyberattacks are on the rise, and many companies are starting to come to terms with the realities of being hacked. According to Google’s Panoramic study of Cybersecurity in Spain:

60% of European SMEs that are victims of network attacks disappear within six months of the incident, often weighed down by the average cost of the attack, which is usually around 35,000 euros.

Even though it’s already common practice to have hearty security measures on company networks and devices, demanding more from the features and systems you have is key to:

1. Securing the privacy of information

The personal information we often share haphazardly online is a treasure trove for any cybercriminal. Our first name, last name, date of birth, and even our pet’s nickname can tip people off about our passwords or personal relationships. Sometimes, this happens as an avoidable side-product caused just by simply being online — it’s essentially impossible to conceal our habits and consumer tastes.

However, it’s true that all businesses need to keep data on hand about their clients, employees, bank transactions, internal and external policies, etc. So protecting this information is, clearly, of the utmost importance.

For this reason, it’s a priority to heavily invest in systems and software that serve this role, not to mention train your employees on the best practices for keeping themselves and the company safe.

2. Ensuring the appropriate use of social media, email, and mobile devices

There’s no denying the ubiquity of the internet in today’s society. It’s estimated that, globally, there are:

  • Phishing (fraudulent links that appear to be legitimate)
  • Data theft
  • Identity theft

On average, it takes companies six months to detect such a cybersecurity breach, and oftentimes, when they realize what’s going on, it’s too late.

3. Staying safe from cyberattacks

Does all this mean we should go back to the old paper-and-pencil model? Absolutely not. The internet improves our systems, businesses, and lives in a number of ways. We just have to be cognizant of what we can do to stay safe.

It’s true that antiviruses and security software do a lot to protect us; but, 95% of cyberattacks worldwide can be traced back to human error. For this reason, it’s crucial to provide employees the training they need to keep the company, and themselves, safe.

A great way to do this is with Crypto, a fun, graphic adventure game that mixes point-and-click exploration, compelling narrative, and tricky puzzles to help employees recognize security holes and set up good practices to avoid them. The serious game helps professionals stay safe in both personal and office environments and gives people the tools they need to protect their valuable data and confidential information.

4. Setting up an action plan facing a digital security breach

Ensuring cybersecurity doesn’t end at simply allocating a part of the budget to security software and antiviruses. That’s certainly part of it, but it’s also good practice to develop an action plan to flesh out possible scenarios and protocols in the case of a security breach.

More than 77% of organizations have no cyberattack response plan, and approximately 54% of companies have been attacked in the past year.

Make sure you know your business’ needs, including which types of computer security measures will be most impactful, to make your action plan as all-encompassing as possible.

5. Maintaining cybersecurity while telecommuting

With the recent health crisis, most companies have had to adapt their activities, mindsets, and strategies moving forward. For many organizations, this means working from home for the foreseeable future. It also means a renewed reliance on digital tools.

This already difficult situation is sometimes compounded by the fact that many professionals don’t have space at home to set up a work area with everything they need to do their job. In the United States, there has been a 300% increase in cyberattacks since the Coronavirus hit.

Now more than ever, companies should serve as a guidance and support system for their employees during the whole process. It’s really for the safety of all involved. This is why we recommend checking your company’s cybersecurity situation before sending workers home to work.

Once you’ve identified the areas you need to strengthen, you can set up online training days for all employees to give them the knowledge and know-how they need.

Remember, investing in your business’ digital security is an investment in your business’ future, especially in the current times.