5 Successful Team Working Techniques to Build Confidence in your Team Members

Learning to work in a team is essential to build confidence among your team members. As a leader, take note of these 5 successful team working techniques that will pave your road to success:

1. Define goals

First of all, it is necessary to know what you want. That is the only way you will know how to get it, and you will be able to make your team assume responsibilities. Define your short, medium and long term goals so you know which direction you need to take.

2. Do not make promises you cannot keep

Rule Number 2 of team working: do not commit yourself to anything if you are not sure of being able to keep the promise. If you do it, you will not only lose the trust of your team, but it will be difficult to have a positive work environment as well.

3. Be responsible for your actions

Even though you may be part of a team, and everyone will be rowing in the same direction, you must be responsible for your own decisions and not blame others for the consequences of your actions. Not accepting your responsibilities will create unnecessary conflicts within the team.

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4. Act assertively

Assertiveness is inseparable from team working. At some point, there will be a moment of tension, in which someone will have to do some criticism. Doing it without hurting the feelings of others and at the same time in a clear way in order to favor improvement will be vital to keep the confidence of everyone intact.

How to get someone to accept our comments without causing discomfort? The key is to be assertive when communicating. It is not about “masking” criticism, but doing it assertively.

5. Go straight to the point

We must not confuse assertiveness with lack of clarity or firmness. On the contrary, to learn team working, we have to be able to go straight to the point to be efficient in our management. Being direct is simply avoiding unnecessary detours to communicate accurately and correct any errors.

What other techniques do you know for team working?