5 Negative Thoughts That Limit Your Leadership

Negative thoughts often cross the minds of leaders too, and they can affect your abilities. They are incorrect beliefs and demoralizing ideas that shatter the great work you do leading your team. Learn to identify the 5 negative thoughts that limit your leadership:

1. “I can do nothing”

We often act in the wrong way when we are faced with a problem. “I can do nothing about it” or “it is not my problem”, these are victimizing attitudes that have a detrimental impact on our team and our own mood. Instead of taking our worries away from the issue, such behavior actually means adopting a negative thought that will eventually undermine our leadership.

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2. “I’m stressed”

Team leaders often end up overworked with tasks and responsibilities, probably due to a lack of delegation which has led to unnecessary stress. This exhaustion affects your physical and psychological health, so it is important that you learn to trust your team and delegate in order to lighten your day and put an end to the tension that is undermining your leadership. Try to detect when you are stressed and put a stop to it.

3. “No one values me”

Another one of the negative thoughts that limit your leadership is a self-destructive attitude, which leads to a leadership which is weak and bound to fail. It is also a behavior that predisposes to constantly complaint, which produces a feeling of dissatisfaction not only in the leader, but also in the whole team, who will eventually drift away to find an alternative leadership with an optimistic vocation.

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4. “It’s not so bad”

Leaders must always strive for continuous improvement. If you detect an error in your team, you need to do everything that is possible to correct it. Do not turn errors into habits by overlooking them; always demand the best, run away from mediocrity. A leader has the power to change others because they are able to provide feedback in an appropriate manner, so that people will grow rather than be humiliated and stopped in their personal and professional development. If you have to warn a coworker, do it privately and assertively, but be sure to do it.

5. “This will go wrong”

When the team leader starts a negative internal dialogue, it is only natural that things will eventually go wrong. If we adopt a pessimistic attitude, we are sabotaging our own success, as the first step in achieving our objectives is to believe in them and be able to visualize them. Believe in yourself, as well as in your team, because that is the only way you will be a good leader.

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What do you do to practice positive leadership?