How to improve health and safety at work

Health and safety compliance at work means that employers have a duty to protect those two elements, as well as welfare at work of all employees. It also covers other people visiting the workplace, such as temporary workers, casual workers, self-employed workers, clients, and the general public.

However, if you wish to go a bit further in improving health and safety at the workplace, you may take these steps into account:

1. Create a plan

Put together a list of rules and regulations for the benefit of your employees, so they know what to do in an unexpected circumstance. Everyone needs to know exactly what kind of work environment he or she will be in on a regular basis. The rules and regulations address the proper responses for employees who find themselves in unsafe working conditions. In the United States, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, or OSHA, has been established to prevent safety hazards and workplace fatalities. If a company is unsure about what kind of plan to create, OSHA standards are a good tool to use in order to let employees know how to take necessary measures to maintain a safe work environment.

2. Inspect your workplace

Check for hazardous materials- solids, liquids, or gases that may be harmful to employees. Things that don’t belong in the work area should be promptly removed. Keep the area clean. Make sure boxes are properly stacked, with the heaviest ones as close to the floor as possible. Keep hazardous materials away from employees, especially while they are on the clock. If in doubt, refer to the list of OSHA regulations.

3. Train your employees to know and follow the safety rules of the workplace

This usually happens as they are being hired. Put in place relevant training programs that explain to employees everything they need to know to keep the workplace safe. Address the safety hazards that may put his or her life at risk. Review the company rules that protect the employee. Inform the employee of his or her own workplace rights. Doing so prevents unwarranted lawsuits and profit losses, and it protects the lives of employees. OSHA training is available for companies who want a “prepackaged” way to enforce safety rules they may not create by themselves.

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4. Remain in touch

Even well regulated workplaces can have new issues that arise from time to time. It is in the best interest of both parties to discuss how to resolve new problems that are found as companies look for ways to move forward. For instance, hold a company meeting to help employees use a new machine that was just released. Inform them of updates to their computer system as technology progresses. Let them know whether any of the rules and regulations have been revised. Transparency is vital to maintain a healthy relationship between employees and leadership.

5. Keep records of any incidents that do occur

While a company strives to keep the workplace as safe as possible, accidents may sometimes happen. Make sure all the information about the accident is written down and kept on record. An employer who knows what happened will do all that is necessary to make sure it never happens again. Employees have a duty to inform their managers of any workplace incidents. If necessary, conduct a meeting to address any concerns about how to keep other employees from experiencing similar incidents. All parties are responsible for maintaining ideal working conditions.

6. Emphasize the need for these rules and regulations

Turnover in a workplace is very common. Life happens. People come and go all the time. The company must remain as consistent as possible during these periods of employment changes. You can create your own training video sets for each new hire. Include examples and test questions to make sure the employee knows how to work safely. This goes a long way in making sure everyone who decides to work for you knows just what he or she will need to know before the first day on the job.

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7. Stay current

Stay in the know of emerging technologies and business practices that affect every company- directly or indirectly. It may not seem logical for a manufacturer to know about a toy company going bankrupt, but that manufacturer will have been better served learning about how the company lost so much money by reading an in depth article about what happened. Even things that don’t seem relevant may actually be so. Employers constantly reading about business news will help them know how to keep themselves in business. This is one form of risk management. Knowing what’s going on lets the employer know what needs to happen to remain a company.

Make sure all parties know the OSHA compliance laws of your state. Even though OSHA is a federal government agency, states have their own variations of how to enforce these laws. Check with your local authorities about your area’s OSHA laws. A healthy, safe workplace is a profitable one. AS long as both leadership and their employees know the standards for what is asked of them, the company will be up and running for a long time.