How single sign-on can help your business run more smoothly

Single sign-on (SSO) is a login method that has become more and more popular in large companies. It essentially allows all employees, each using only one, universal username, to access all the independent software systems used by the company, no matter the developer.

Since the mid-2000s, the task at hand for IT departments has been ensuring security and effective access to web applications. Many companies have implemented measures to approach this complex task.

At the corporate level, one of the first to lead the way with SSO was the local identity management system from Microsoft®, Active Directory® (AD).

Nowadays, most organizations have moved away from on-site identity management infrastructures in favor of cloud-based alternatives.

How did SSO come about?

The history of SSO begins with the introduction of AD in 1999. At that time, the very concept of network operations was very different from what we’re used to today. Windows® OS was the industry standard and almost all IT processes had to be managed locally.

AD, being a local directory platform designed to manage Windows®-based applications, services, and local networks, naturally flourished in the business world.

SSO manages your employee data

Large companies and multinationals usually have comprehensive employee lists, complete with their corresponding accesses and passwords to business services and applications.

This list usually goes hand-in-hand with the use of SSO, since it gives admins the ability to grant or revoke employee access to all services or applications centrally.

In other words, if a new employee joins the company, they are automatically granted access to preselected services and programs.

On the other hand, if the employee leaves the company for any reason, their access is automatically revoked.

In short, SSOs save time and resources. They provide notable advantages to IT departments and managers that must oversee large teams on a regular basis.

What applications can connect to SSO?

Since SSO is a standardized tool in the business sector, most applications and services that are designed for companies are compatible. Some examples are:

  • Salesforce
  • Google Drive
  • Office 365

These types of applications are designed for employees to access using a single login.

For example, suppose an employee has a specific, assigned username at your company. On the company intranet, using just that one username, they can access all the applications they need: document editors, time or invoice management software, and more.

SSO lets you avoid having to make multiple usernames for the same employee, meaning the users will be able to access all company applications, regardless of who developed them.

The service gives all employees their own uniform identity within the company so they can do their job without unnecessary complications. Then, when an employee leaves the company, their access to all applications is automatically revoked.

Can I use my company’s SSO with Gamelearn?

Yes! At Gamelearn, it’s important to us that all employees can access their courses easily and that admins have centralized access to the information they need. That’s why we have ensured that SSO partners perfectly with our platform. It should be as easy as possible for students and managers alike to do their jobs.

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Advantages of having SSO with Gamelearn

If you integrate using SSO with Gamelearn, all employees enrolled in our courses can log in to Gamelearn Campus with the same username they have for their other work applications. There’s no need to keep track of any usernames or passwords.

All training processes on the Gamelearn Platform are made simpler and faster with SSO.

What about clients that already have their own LMS?

Many companies have integrated their LMS using SSO. If you still don’t have the capabilities, make sure you get set up quickly so you can reap all the possible benefits.

We can help with that. If you want more information on how to integrate your SSO with Gamelearn, let us know, and we’ll help you get started.