Gamification, the future of e-learning

The implementation of gamified solutions and serious games to training in businesses and institutions is the immediate future; one that has already found its way into numerous international organizations. It has been put into practice by companies committed to innovation and technology so as to professionalize their employees’ skills development and the measuring of learning results.

Reveal by L’Oreal…

It’s both the future and the inspiration for the present. Companies like L’Oreal are already using serious games in fields such as recruitment processes. And so ‘Reveal the Game‘ emerged, a gamification tool allowing candidates to compete and share results, while providing those responsible for hiring a tremendously effective tool to measure performance and to recruit the best candidates.

In L’Oreal, they have gone for gamified products developed by themselves to meet the “challenges of real life”, in the words of Mohit James, the multinational’s Director of Human Resources. “Reveal the Game” has become a very popular game, with more than 6.000 “likes” on Facebook. Candidates “play” to win prizes and qualify for positions within the company, based on the highest score and the best answers.


Merchants and Triskelion by Gamelearn

Merchants” and “Triskelion” are two other international benchmarks of gamification and serious games. Developed by Gamelearn, both games have been training, for several years, employees and managers from more than 500 companies around the world. “Merchants”, the negotiation and conflict resolution simulator; and “Triskelion”, the time management and personal productivity simulator, have highlighted the importance of game-based learning as an upward trend. Serving as inspiration for many users, these pioneering products in the industry have the storyline and structure of graphic adventures, which makes them fun to users, while allowing progressive and structured learning, as well as the measuring of results and the obtaining of continuous and personalized feedback.

IBM and innovative strategies

IBM is another example of how gamification and implementation of innovative strategies can maximize economic benefits or improve productivity. IBM recently held the last session of InterConnect 2015, with an eye on new technologies. Responsible for gamification and serious games at IBM, Phaedra Boinodiris, claimed the need to “give due consideration” to serious games, applicable to countless sectors and businesses in many different areas. “Serious games” are the future, and the future is already here.