Gamelearn’s Editor wins best authoring tool at the EdTech Awards 2021

EdTech Digest, a leading source of cool tools, interviews, and trends showcasing the future of learning — annually honors the best and brightest people, products, and groups working in education technology with The EdTech Awards. Cool Tool, Leadership, and Trendsetter honorees span the K-12, Higher Ed, and Skills & Workforce sectors.

A salute to EdTech’s best and brightest innovators, leaders, and trendsetters!

Finalists and winners for The EdTech Awards 2021 have been announced to a worldwide audience of educators, technologists, students, parents, and policymakers interested in building a better future for learners and leaders in the education and workforce sectors. 

Celebrating its 11th year, the US-based program is the largest recognition program in the education technology field, recognizing the biggest names in EdTech—and those who soon will be. 

“The worldwide pandemic put education and training to the test, but remote learning and working—in many unexpected ways—ultimately brought us closer,” said Victor Rivero,  Editor-in-Chief of EdTech Digest, who oversees the program.

“Trying times revealed the strengths and capabilities of people and the workability of products. Leaders and innovators with their tools and techniques worked hard to keep the learning world connected to knowledge and each other. As so many have shown, nothing can stop the human spirit—and we continue to move forward,” Rivero said.

The EdTech Awards recognizes people in and around education for outstanding contributions in transforming education through technology to enrich the lives of learners everywhere. 

Featuring EdTech’s best and brightest, the annual program shines a spotlight on cool tools, inspiring leaders and innovative trendsetters across the K-12, Higher Education, and Skills and Workforce sectors.

The EdTech Awards recognize people—and the products they produce and lives they shape— with three main honors: 

  • The EdTech Cool Tool Awards
  • The EdTech Leadership Awards, and 
  • The EdTech Trendsetter Awards. 

This year’s finalists and winners 


The EdTech Awards were established in 2010 to recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate the most exceptional innovators, leaders, and trendsetters in education technology. 

This year’s finalists and winners were narrowed from the larger field and judged based on various criteria, including: pedagogical workability, efficacy and results, support, clarity, value, and potential.  

Editor-in-Chief of EdTech Digest, Victor Rivero said:  

“After a year like no other—to all those innovators, leaders, and trendsetters in K-12, higher ed, and workforce learning staying connected, productive, persistent, and getting us closer despite all challenges: we salute you.”

Winner of the Cool Tool category: Editor

Editor is an e-learning authoring tool that allows you to create training video games without having to write a single line of code. Providing simulators and game-based learning for corporate training no longer requires million-dollar investments. 

Now, with Gamelearn’s Editor, you can create your own custom training video games in just a matter of hours. It’s an authoring tool that lets you turn the training content you already have into engaging video games. It’s as easy as playing with Legos. Choose the pieces you want and connect them as you see fit. No prior technical knowledge is required.