Gamelearn Annual Event 2020: a revolution in corporate training

On October 15, Gamelearn launched the Editor, their brand new authoring tool poised to turn the page on how we use video games for corporate training.

More than 1,200 people on social media attended the live event, which was packed full of surprises. Ibrahim Jabary, Gamelearn’s CEO and co-founder, opened up the event with some updates on what’s new on the Gamelearn online platform, then finished with an overview of the Editor, his revolutionary new game authoring tool.

During the event, attendees left some heavy praise in the chatbox:

It’s incredible to have everything all on one platform. 

The tool is very practical! 

The interface seems very intuitive. Perfect for building video games from scratch!

The online event, which garnered more than 9,000 views, was streamed from all over the world and in multiple languages: Spanish, English, and French. If you weren’t able to make it, you can watch it here:

Gamelearn’s best-kept secret

At the event, the company, with its more than 15 years of experience in the training sector, revealed how it’s been creating its most recent video games — with the Editor. Gamelearn’s serious games are known for their quality and for the level of engagement they inspire in students. So, what’s changed? Now, anyone will be able to create their own professional-quality serious games.

In the words of Ibrahim Jabary,

“What used to require an investment of millions of dollars, years of work, and multiple highly-specialized teams can now be done by one person, in a matter of hours, without any programming knowledge.” 

The training platform that adapts to your needs

Training is moving online faster than ever before. The change is inevitable and Gamelearn has reenvisioned its platform to meet its customers’ most pressing needs. 

The online platform allows:

  • students to access the Campus and receive their training through the most award-winning serious game catalog on the market.
  • managers to monitor training in a simple, intuitive way through the LMS. Managing data and reports is also a highñy-streamlined process.
  • any professional to transform their training content into video games without writing any code!

Of those who use the Gamelearn platform:

  • 93% recommend the courses.
  • 97% say the courses apply directly to their job.
  • 99% have improved their skills.

The finishing touch

To round out the event, Mai Apraiz, another of the company’s co-founders, wanted to add a touch of Spanish culture and flair by performing a classic Flamenco dance for the audience. 

Gamelearn is a Spanish company but its passion and multicultural identity are big parts of its ethos and are a driving force behind the company’s quest for innovation.

The Annual Event marked the beginning of a new era in which more personalized and flexible corporate training is available for every user, no matter how tech-savvy they are. It was an eye-opening morning for many professionals working in the field of L&D. The future is bright.