8 Effective Negotiating Techniques that will Turn an Entrepreneur into a Seller

A great part of our success depends on knowing how to sell our products, our services or just our ideas to our public. Whatever the area of your company, you will find these 8 effective negotiation techniques useful for you to become a natural born seller:

1. Do your research

The number one rule, before sitting down at the negotiating table, is to gather all possible information about both our interlocutor and the business of our buyer. All the data we can get will help us shape and sharpen our proposal, and also to know their and our weaknesses and strengths.

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2. Take care of all details

Avoid improvising when you start your negotiation. Beginning a process without having previously researched and organized all the information you have, and without having set the goal you want to achieve, will only serve to give a bad impression and get you away from your objective. Be organized and focus on what makes you strong. Take care of the details, as great leaders do, in order to ensure your success.

3. Make sure you negotiate with the right person

One of the most effective negotiation techniques for an entrepreneur to become a successful seller is to ensure that we are negotiating with the right person, that is, someone with the ability to decide. If we interview a middle manager or someone who cannot make decisions, we will be wasting our time.

4. Avoid silence

If there is anything characteristic of a good seller is his ability to establish a dialogue. Avoid remaining silent. To that extent, start a conversation at the beginning of the introductions and slip in any personal or informal data that will work as an icebreaker, as cliché as it may seem. Of course, avoid conflictive current affairs topics that may intimidate the other party. It is about strengthening ties and building trust that will pave our way for the process which is about to begin.

5. Share your enthusiasm

So you will not bore people. It is important that you mark the difference. Stay away from long and tedious presentations, try to speak plainly and be accessible for your interlocutor to understand you. Do not lose your train of thought. Once their attention has been caught, you can try some effective negotiation techniques that include animations and generate dialogue, in order to avoid monotony and arouse interest.

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6. Promote dialogue

It is important not to monopolize the conversation in order to show an attitude open to dialogue that allows participation and generates a positive sense of trust and mutual cooperation. Try to be assettive. Some studies show that a seller is more likely to close a satisfactory deal if they talk less than the other party during the negotiation.

7. Show flexibility

Any good negotiator must be willing to give in sometimes if they want to be able to close a valuable deal. The key to being a successful seller is to show flexibility and know how to play with the range of possibilities dialogue offers in an environment of cooperation, beneficial to both parties. Remember, it is important to establish long-term relationships, and they are impossible to maintain if we cannot show tolerance.

8. Demand commitment

If the negotiation is coming to its end, it is important to wrap it up with some kind of written commitment, be it either signing a contract or any other document stating the points on which the agreement has been reached (LOI -Letter of intentions-). Thus, the seller can “press” as time goes by with greater guarantee, while both sides are clear on what has been agreed.

What are your effective negotiation techniques to be a good seller? What makes you a successful entrepreneur? Leave a comment!