E-learning Suppliers: the Great Challenge

The great challenge for game-based learning suppliers is to explain to training managers how new methodologies are the real driving force for change, in order to include improvements in innovative ways. The introduction of gaming dynamics in training programs is nothing new, but it still is a revolutionary system for talent development.

Those companies that have already decided to use game-based learning (training through videogames) to train their employees have shown that they are not afraid of change. And it has been well worth the effort. Now, the challenge for game-based learning suppliers is to get HR departments to trust and bet on taking these four steps:

First step: identifying the need

Training companies, responsible for the development of gamified products, were the ones to take the first step. They paid attention to their environment and identified a need: the employees needed, without being aware of it, a different training, which would be more effective and get away from the boring and monotonous courses the market was already full of.

Where other companies – some of them already e-learning suppliers – perceived a problem to overcome the economic crisis and the lack of creativity, others saw the perfect opportunity to reinvent themselves and grow. These companies were aware of the need to teach with new methodologies and today they are the leading suppliers in game-based learning.

Second step: the videogame as a learning tool

Many studies show that new technologies, when put at the service of learning, become powerful tools capable of generating highly motivated teams, improving creativity among their members and ensuring successful results for organizations. Thousands of human resources professionals have placed their trust in game-based learning developers, although there still remains some suspicion regarding gamification in corporate training.

The growth of these methodologies is just unstoppable. Therefore, more and more companies distributing training solutions are encountering organizations of all sizes and from all sectors demanding videogames and serious games to train their workers. Why does everybody trust them?

Third step: gamification to fight lack of motivation

The obstacles HR departments face every day when implementing trainings are the high dropout rates and the lack of motivation of employees when starting a course. Game-based learning suppliers have found the solution: using gamified techniques, motivation is guaranteed, and with it the involvement of students and the commitment to complete the courses.

It is not easy for a business to take the big step and change their supplier. Launching an e-learning training in videogame format overnight causes feelings of uncertainty, fear and mistrust among those responsible for the training and development.

It is the duty of the creators of game-based learning products to explain the effectiveness of these new methodologies: gaming dynamics are appropriate for everyone. Whatever the corporate culture of a company is, the implementation of gamified tools is an unstoppable trend the industry is heading towards.

Fourth and last step: getting to know game-based learning

For this reason, the increase of activities and meetings related to marketing and game-based learning is incessant. Fairs, congresses and conferences are celebrated all over the world to gather those responsible for the training of the most important companies in the world. These meetings have a mission: to provide first-hand information on the benefits of using gamified techniques in business, and thus reassure the most suspicious.

The results also support these benefits: if we turn to facts and figures, we can guarantee HR managers that using game mechanics to learn is the best way to invest in corporate development and innovation. Not to mention costs saving and geographical flexibility when implementing these products.

From Gamelearn, game-based learning vendor and leader in the serious games market, we can assure that the positive impact of these methodologies is tangible from the very launching of a project.

And the prediction, not only by Gamelearn, but also by other game-based learning sellers, is that these techniques will continue to grow exponentially. In the world of gamification no one doubts that, in a few years, traditional e-learning will be residual, as will be a great part of classroom training.