Boost your sales by playing! Discover how gamification can drive your commercial success

Ready to transform your sales team into an unstoppable revenue-generating machine? The answer might be closer than you think: gamification. Gamification: The key to boosting your sales Gamification isn’t just a passing trend; it’s a proven strategy to motivate your team and enhance sales performance. Want to increase your sales? It’s time to think beyond […]

4 key differences between gamification and serious gaming in e-learning

E-learning has evolved to the point where games are being used to engage online learners, as well as motivate them to succeed and, eventually, see their full potential. With that said, there are two types of gaming in e-learning: gamification and serious games. Gamification is about e-learning activities and modules, which act as a means to […]

5 features of gamification tools that improve personnel selection

You may already be familiar with gamification, as aspects of gaming have become increasingly popular in training and HR departments in recent years.  It has become one of the most important resources in the education and business sector, and even multinational corporations like Google, Coca-Cola, and Sanitas are using it to their advantage. One place […]

5 articles on gamification to help your company rethink its training methods

Gamification is a growing approach in educational sectors and companies of all industries. It presents many advantages and is proven to provide better results than traditional learning methods. Gamification tools not only make content more appealing and engaging, but they also motivate students, reinforce knowledge, and stimulate soft skills. This fast-growing industry is essential for […]

Si tus ingresos tienen gráficos, ¿por qué no la actividad de tu equipo?

Hacer seguimiento cualificado de tu equipo y representarlo de forma gráfica es esencial, especialmente cuanto más compleja es tu organización. Podemos encontrar diversas motivaciones para hacerlo. 1. Impulsa la competencia amistosa La competencia es un hecho en el lugar de trabajo. Algunos jefes lo ven como una táctica de gestión eficaz, pero las cosas pueden […]

Gamification: 6 must-read articles

Gamification is one of the trendiest words in the worlds of education and business. But do you really know how it works? Are you familiar with the most prominent examples of gamification? If you still have some doubts, read these 6 articles to catch up to speed with the latest tendencies in gamification. 1 – […]

The ultimate step-by-step guide to understanding gamification

Gamification has earned a reputation as one of the most important phenomena in education and business. Deloitte cited gamification as one of its Top 10 Technology Trends for 2012 and the Oxford dictionary placed it on the US Short List for Word of the Year in 2011. Since then, gamification has not stopped growing, to […]

Aviva-Gamelearn: Eine Erfolgsgeschichte im Gamification Lab 2013

Wie Sie sehen können, gibt es bereits eine zusammengefasste Version des Vortrags von Fernando Gordillo, Ausbildungsleiter von Aviva España im Gamification Lab 2013. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung vom vergangenen 16. Oktober im Hotel Silken Puerta América de Madrid waren wirkliche Erfolgsgeschichten von Unternehmen zu hören, die in ihren Unternehmen auf den Einsatz von Produkten und […]

Gamification in Business: Get the Most of the New Methodologies

Knowing how gamification can transform our business will help us on our path to success. It will also help us get the most of the benefits that new methodologies bring to find the most efficient results. Today, we tell you about four transformations gathered together by Gamification Buyer’s Guide, created by Technology Advice. 1. Generates […]

Gamification in business as an antidote for lack of motivation

The emergence of gamification in corporate training has come to be the solution to one of the big problems businesses nowadays need to face: lack of motivation of employees. And without motivation, new concerns arise: lack of commitment, negative attitude, conformism, decrease in personal productivity, bad working environment… Hence, employee motivation has become a new […]