Attendance success at Madrid and Barcelona events

Gamelearn keeps achieving participation success at every event they attend. This week, it was the turn for Madrid and Barcelona HR summits, Next Generation Learning and the 5th Annual European HR Directors Business Summit respectively. The leading company on serious games for corporate training has obtained quite a response in both cities.

Next Generation Learning in MadridNGL Madrid

Gamelearn was taking part in the 8th annual meeting of Next Generation Learning in Madrid. Ibrahim Jabary, CEO of the company and member of the prestigious panel of experts attending this event, which took place on May 27, shared his experience with the attendees. The lecture was a complete success and the meeting room was packed to talk about game-based learning and gamification applied to corporate training. More than 120 Directors of Human Resources and people in charge of training in Spanish and international companies would not miss Gamelearn’s participation, which promised to shed some light on the challenges that managers face every day in order to manage the new training programs in their organizations.

The capital city’s Next Generation Learning, which Gamelearn attended as gold sponsor, illustrated once again how game-based learning is taking its place as an effective resource for company training, thanks in part to the great power of engagement that students get.

5th Annual European HR Directors Business Summit in BarcelonaHR Summit BCN

Almost simultaneously, the 5th Annual European HR Directors Business Summit was taking place in Barcelona, as it was celebrated on May 27 and 28. An exclusive meeting within the world of Human Resources where Gamelearn had the chance to further explore the revolution of online training through videogames.

Many HR managers from great companies, several of them from abroad, approached Gamelearn’s stand to get some information on their training model. Such was the case of Saudi Arabia’s Toyota’s vice president, Faisal Abdalla. The innovative methodology called the attention of attendees who wanted to be introduced to course-games for manager skills training. Merchants (negotiation and conflict resolution) and Triskelion (time management and personal productivity) are the company’s two simulators.Barcelona summit

One of the appeals of the event in Barcelona was the raffle, by Gamelearn, of a tablet with a license for Merchants and Triskelion. The winner was Daniel Miseur, from Euroclear Belgium. Congratulations!