Have you ever come to work at your company and felt that the atmosphere was stifling, that employees were only there out of obligation, and that they felt no motivation to do their job? When this happens, it’s urgent to mobilize to promote engagement.
Engagement is perhaps the most difficult factor for any manager to achieve. After all, employees are considered by many entrepreneurs and specialists to be the most important asset of any company. Without excellent team performance, the organization’s productivity is sure to suffer and results will be much lower than desired. Therefore, getting employees to perform at their best should be a priority and a constant goal in every company.
What does a committed employee look like?
First of all, it’s necessary to understand that engaged employees are not just motivated employees, the concept goes beyond that. Having a committed professional is synonymous with having a proactive person, who strives for excellence and has the constant goal of achieving the best and contributing to the success of the company. They are the workers who are the organization’s backbone, who are highly committed and show passion for what they do.
The three components of engagement
- Reflection: the professional understands and accepts the objectives, values, and strategies established by the company of which they’re a part.
- Sentiment: the employee feels proud of the organization and enjoys what they do.
- Acting: when an employee feels confident and good about their job in an organization, they’ll do what is necessary for the organization to succeed.
Engagement is important because it improves the performance of individuals and the organization itself. A committed team is more loyal to the company’s objectives and values. That is why it’s so necessary for leaders to carry out a series of internal actions so that everyone participates and feels part of a greater objective. As a result, the team’s level of commitment increases, motivation improves, and employees become more productive at work.
What is the most effective way a company can invest into employee engagement*?
— Talent500 (@Talent_500) August 1, 2022
*Companies with higher levels of employee engagement are 21% more profitable, and show a 41% reduction in absenteeism.#employeeengagement #workculture #remotework #workfromanywhere #belimitless
5 factors for more engaged employees
1. Excellent leadership
Poor leadership is one of the main reasons for a team’s lack of productivity and demotivation. Managers need to really know how to lead and not just give orders. On the other hand, employees need to have an inspiring boss who can promote trust.
2. A sense of purpose
Employees will only be engaged if they feel they are accomplishing something in the company. Therefore, one of the roles managers have is to constantly demonstrate that the functions performed by employees are important and have direct consequences for the organization. Engagement is achieved through various measures and well-defined objectives that the team must reach, creating a sense of real challenge. In addition, employees must be given more autonomy by delegating certain tasks and taking into account their opinions and decisions.
3. Growth opportunities
Having a well-structured career plan can stimulate employee development, giving them a real career goal to achieve. The feeling that it’s impossible to grow is a real obstacle for any employee to feel engaged. This is a decisive factor not only in retaining talent but also in attracting it. Therefore, try to discuss career plans with your employees. But, of course, always taking into account the strategic plans and limits of the company, as well as the competencies of each employee.
4. Rewards
It’s essential for your employees to feel that their work not only produces results but that it is valued. Rewards such as salary increases, or bonuses are good options to consider for recognizing good employees.
5. Suggesting ideas for improvement
In the context of professional development, offering your employees suggestions for improvement, such as training (e-learning, gamification, LMS…) and conferences, can be an excellent option. Organizing conferences with specialists or with motivational content can also be a way of updating skills, in addition to breaking the routine of the work environment, giving an air of renewal.
It’s important to understand that any strategy to increase engagement is ongoing and never stops. After all, in order to retain employees, to keep them committed and satisfied with their work, it’s always necessary to analyze the level of commitment.