10 questions to measure your company’s IT security

As new technologies continue to emerge and adapt, cybersecurity is becoming more and more important in business environments. We’ve chosen 10 key questions you should ask to see if your company is ready to safeguard itself from potential attacks on its digital security:

1. How much of your budget is invested in cybersecurity?

According to a research report by Ponemon Institute, surveyed companies spent an average of $18.4M a year on cybersecurity. Even with this investment, data breaches are still common occurrences.

2. Do your employees have the training they need to prevent breaches in computer security?

“60% of all European SMBs fall victim to cyberattacks they weren’t prepared for.”* For this reason, it’s important to implement cybersecurity training in order to give all your employees the preventive tools they need.

3. Are your employees able to easily spot viruses and malware?

It’s vitally important that all employees have the necessary training to identify possible attacks and viruses.

4. Do you know what applications and removable devices your company uses?

It’s critical to know whether the use of web applications is appropriate in your company. The same goes for removable devices.

5. Do you promote the safe use of social networks and email?

Many times companies forget to take the necessary precautions to properly train in the use of everyday platforms and tools such as social networks and email.

6. Do you control your business data?

It is not a secret that a large part of cyberattacks focuses on stealing and controlling data. According to the 2019 Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average total cost of a data breach climbed from $3.5 million in 2014, showing a growth of 12 percent between 2014 and 2019.

7. Do employees make proper use of passwords and personal data?

Passwords are part of the basis of digital security as they are an essential element of control access.

8. Do your employees know the risks of using public Wi-Fi networks?

Public Wi-Fi networks cyberattacks are easier, since anyone who accesses that network, with the appropriate knowledge, can access the information contained in the devices connected to that network and steal the information they want. That is why safe browsing practices should be encouraged by the companies.

9. Do you control the security of all business users?

According to the Ninth Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study conducted by Accenture, “countering internal threats is still one of the biggest challenges with a rise in phishing and ransomware attacks, as well as malicious insiders.”

10. Do you have a computer risk prevention plan?

“60% of European SMEs that are victims of cyberattacks disappear in the six months following the incident, often burdened by the average cost of the attack, which is usually around 35,000 euros”. *

Train your employees in cybersecurity in a fun way

Now it is your turn, you have the opportunity to train the employees of your company in cybersecurity in a unique and innovative way with Crypto, the serious game with the bases you need to overcome the checklist with 10/10.

Crypto is aimed at any user of computing devices with a low-medium level of knowledge about cybersecurity. Any person who handles personal or corporate data on internal or external networks, both from mobile and fixed devices.

The training objective of the Crypto video game is to educate and sensitize the user about the common mistakes and bad practices that are committed in relation to computer security, both personally and in corporate environments, compromising valuable data and confidential information.

Don’t wait any longer to start your cyber adventure. Subscribe to Gamelearn’s online platform, the results will surprise you!

*This data comes from the Google study “Panorama actual de la Ciberseguridad en España”.