Learning Games: What Are You Waiting For To Develop The Most Demanded Skills In The Next 5 Years?

Learning games, also known as serious games, can help you develop the skills that will be most demanded by companies over these coming years. Keep on reading and convince yourself:

Unique experiences through simulation

Imagine that your team and you have gotten stranded on a desert island. The only chance you have of staying alive is to build a hot-air balloon to escape and return to civilization. Fortunately, you can live this extreme experience without leaving your home or workstation. How?

Pacific, the first learning game to develop your leadership skills in the market, gives you the opportunity to improve your team management skills through a unique adventure. It is not the only learning game. In Gamelearn, we are experts in the development of soft skills through training games. Along with Triskelion and Merchants, Pacific completes our game-based learning platform to acquire skills through simulators.

Creativity and proactivity

The use of learning games is not new, but it is a methodology that is enjoying a major boom, especially in the field of corporate training. These new techniques encourage critical thinking and creativity, skills which are increasingly valued in today’s business landscape.

Game-based learning, i.e., the use of games to learn, enables students to learn the concepts more quickly. Thus they develop the ability to solve problems and achieve goals faster and more effectively than if they were only reading or listening in a classroom course.

Many companies, organizations and educational institutions are beginning to realize the importance of these new learning techniques. One of the aspects highlighted by studies like this one is the power of games to get students to voluntarily increase their knowledge, deepening in learning actively, much more than if they did it “on paper”. That is, engagement is guaranteed.

Real lessons

One of these organizations is the Institute of Play, which promotes the use of learning games. They argue that, even if these are set in fictional situations, teach real lessons which are fully applicable to real life.

One of the challenges being faced by the industry, with training professionals and gamification experts at its head, is to break down the current barriers which are slowing down the expansion of new learning techniques. Among them, reducing the digital divide is one of the priorities.

And so is the change of mentality of those responsible when implementing training activities, so that they will place their trust in the undeniable power of learning games, especially those designed to develop the XXI century skills.