How HR Directors can drive improvement in sales

In today’s increasingly dynamic and competitive market, it’s essential for organizations to have a good HR system, so they won’t be left behind in the market. It’s essential to understand what an HR director is, and what are the functions, and the importance, of the role. It has enormous importance within an organization, as a company needs a well-managed, motivated, and productive HR department.

Companies must step up their efforts to increase sales and control costs if they want to remain competitive and sustainable. In that sense, it’s essential to maintain the sales staff’s level of motivation and commitment. HR professionals have a critical role in creating a strategic partnership with that department. Sometimes, an employee may just want to have the opportunity to prove the worth of their work to leave the company and get a better position. A good HR director should inspire and be able to retain this talent, helping them improve their situation within the company. A person in a high-level management position has to provide what is necessary to value good work and positively influence employees to do the same.

The 5 main functions of the HR manager that can improve employees’ sales skills

An HR director has many tasks and all are extremely important for the proper functioning of the sales department, but 5 of them are particularly relevant.

1. Recruiting and selecting staff

The manager is responsible for developing dynamics, selection processes, and different types of improvisations to attract the best candidates in the sector for the necessary positions. Hiring people is the responsibility of any HR professional, but for the manager, it’s the opportunity to re-equip and strengthen the team to achieve even better sales results.

2. Improving organizational climate

Organizational climate is one of the most important aspects of a company. When the work environment is healthy, employees feel more comfortable and trust their colleagues and managers, maintaining relationships of mutual respect. The HR Manager must be aware of the organizational climate and take the necessary measures to improve it. The common and simple objectives are: to reduce the number of absences and increase the teams’ commitment and respect. Management must be prepared to support activities throughout the process, up to the implementation and monitoring of solutions. The effects of this approach can sometimes be destabilizing and may even force some managers (as well as general management) to change how they’re used to doing things. Diagnosis is a mechanism that must be carried out correctly using effective tools, such as appropriate surveys and well-framed individual or group interviews.

3. Communicating clearly and effectively

Despite some difficulties, HR professionals have to take on strategic issues related to sales to understand the main factors driving employee engagement and performance in this area. Effective communication channels are essential to keep leaders informed on the company’s professionals and progress. Direct collaboration between HR and Sales generates the confidence to move in the same direction and achieve a common goal.

4. Adapting quickly

The market is constantly changing, regardless of the field, marketing is changing, finance is changing, and it’s no different for HR. . An effective HR director is always aware of changes in all areas, not just their own because they need to know what’s going on and how to best help the areas of the company that may need it. Changing work habits, supporting employees in their jobs, organizing team-building activities, and assigning tasks according to individual agreements, are all part of the HR director’s role. A true HR strategy is needed to achieve these goals for all individual cases, from managers to employees.

5. Appreciating commitment and retaining the best talent

The goal of the HR team is not just about paying salaries, but also about attracting the best talent. There are a number of strategies to increase the attractiveness of the compensation package to top performers and, at the same time, control the overall compensation budget. The company can compensate higher-performing workers to maximize retention. This encourages sales professionals to increase their contributions to the business. As a result, underperforming workers will be encouraged to improve their skills within the organization to improve their personal and professional situations. 

Another way to encourage commitment is to provide employees with training that’s relevant, but above all attractive, for the performance of their functions. In this sense, an innovative approach such as game-based learning can be the key. The training video game 2100, available on the Campus of Gamelearn’s platform, is a great example.

All companies should keep in mind that if they ignore the satisfaction of their internal customers, that is, their employees, they probably won’t achieve the desired success with external clients.  This happens because the sales process or service delivery is a reflection of employee motivation and satisfaction, motivated employees provide better service. Therefore, companies that adopt a methodology to manage employee behavior and team productivity, and implement a supportive organizational culture achieve the best results.

We know that there are two decisive factors for a professional to be motivated at work: the meaning or mission and the variables. That is to say, they must see meaning in what they do, in their performance, in the results of their work and, at the same time, there are changing elements that make us see that inertia can be very dangerous and that periodically reviewing the strategy can be beneficial. That’s where HR has to assume the role of agents of change and creators of new meaning or direction. To be involved in the company’s performance, it is necessary to be attentive to market movements, to offer alternatives for the company to evolve, and for employees to be committed to supporting this evolution and contributing to the success of operations.