Game-based learning, experiential learning

Game-based learning aims to connect learning and meaning to content to give students an intrinsic learning experience, in which the games elevate the content in a meaningful and engaging way.

The combination of the learning and the video game industry is a huge opportunity to develop high quality e-learning products. Games are particularly effective learning tools because they give students open-ended environments in which to explore, play, and create. So students can learn by doing which enhance memorization and retention.

True game-based learning uses intrinsic experiences and moves away from a more simple extrinsic rewards-based system where students play the game in pursuit of a reward or achievement and are disconnected from the fundamental content.

And that is what we do in Gamelearn. Our video games are combined with a sophisticated simulator that allows the learning experience to be possible. A story line is combined with gamification elements to create an exciting learning adventure.