Breathing new life into corporate training with customizable serious games

Step into the future of game-based learning by embracing customizable serious games.

Data suggests many businesses are moving away from traditional corporate training methods in favor of game-based learning approaches. Even with the latest technology, many companies are still looking for the possibility of adding customizable elements to their learning tools.

At Gamelearn, we understand the importance of having courses that adapt to the specific communication needs of each company– and also tap into the growing potential of gamification.

That’s why we’ve created the perfect solution: Mars, a customizable serious game in which you choose the topic and material covered. The customizable aspect helps companies improve employee engagement and material retention. This way, companies can easily integrate their corporate theme and content in order to more effectively train their employees.

How does Mars work?

Mars allows any organization to share, evaluate, and strengthen training and corporate knowledge. This serious game is based on participant interaction and collective learning. While employees compete by creating and answering questions, they also generate discussions on the proposed topic. 

Throughout the process, players are rewarded or penalized according to their performance, which is reflected in their score during the game.

Mars is a unique tool that offers teams and companies the freedom to convey any information they choose, at any time in an online format. Moreover, high employee engagement is guaranteed.

What can be customized in Mars?

Mars is a serious game designed to be reused again and again in the face of any situation that comes up. Its length can be adjusted and it focuses on social learning. To complete these functions, many aspects of the game can be easily customized:

  • Languages (Spanish, English, French, and German)
  • Subjects covered
  • Competition style (individually or in teams)
  • Length of the game and number of turns
  • Creation of certified questions
  • Game moderators

Ideas for using Mars:

1. Games lasting several weeks

For extended projects, the objectives can be diverse, for example:

  • Digital transformation: Mars helps to assess the knowledge acquired by employees on the operation, rules of use, or implementation processes applied to digital innovation and can be used in both team and department projects, as well as crosscutting projects that affect the company as a whole.
  • Awareness campaigns: Depending on its culture, a company may need to promote awareness campaigns for certain topics (data protection, workplace harassment, gender equality, diversity, etc.) to face challenges within a social context, specific internal features or simply to comply with regulations. Mars can be a useful ally in these situations.
  • Internal communication: To consolidate corporate culture, assimilate strategic goals, enhance internal protocols or any other processes or resources that have to be shared by the members of a department or the
    entire company.
  • Sales training: sales processes are constantly renewed and the introduction of new products, technologies, or processes may require extra effort by the company’s sales force. A tool like Mars will ensure the assimilation of this information and clarify any questions that may arise about it.

2. Games lasting several days

Intermediate-length games ensure that knowledge is internalized in the medium term. Popular topics used often relate to onboarding or sales specialization, but any topic traditionally covered in face-to-face environments is on the table.

3. Games lasting several hours

This type of game is most commonly used to make events more dynamic, often used during or after an event as a way of engaging attendees. The main advantage is that it allows you to check user understanding, and recognize and reward those who stand out for it.

Another practical example is the implementation of games as a complement to training. This format works very well with short training sessions that also need to reinforce the concepts covered during the day.

A real-life example of how Gamelearn games can be customized to fit any situation

It’s extremely important to keep the flow of communication, teamwork, and training going during extraordinary situations.

The COVID-19 epidemic came as a surprise and changed the internal mechanisms of many companies. At Gamelearn, we embraced the opportunity and created a custom game with Mars to provide our employees with accurate information about the pandemic.

The game was available for a week and had more than 100 participants. Learn more in this video!

Training becomes fun if you do it with the right game-based learning tools. You can also get your employees to enjoy competing in the topics the company wants them to engage with.

If you’re interested in learning how to implement Mars customizable content in your company, don’t wait any longer, let us know! We’re here to help.